From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Data governance

Data governance

- [Instructor] The third step in this framework is to ensure that you are effectively collecting data. This process is called data governance. Are you tracking all of the data and the dimensions of the data that are relevant? For example, you might have total sales defined as your KPI, but do you have all of the dimensions of this data point tracked? For example, total sales can be broken down into: sales by region, sales by category, sales by item, sales by date and time, and also, sales by industry. These different dimensions can help you uncover insights. For example, you could build an interactive sales dashboard that visualizes sales by state and then use the category dimension to filter that visualization. And this is a great way to quickly uncover insights. To ensure that you're getting your data governance nailed down, you need to look forward to the kind of insights that you want to glean from your data.…
