From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Data analysis

Data analysis

- [Instructor] Once you've got your problem defined, identified your KPIs and gotten your data governance in place, it's now time to roll up your sleeves and dig into the analysis. You can breakdown this analysis into two specific tactics, explanatory and exploratory analysis. Exploratory analysis is when you delve deep into the data to mine it for interesting insights. Next comes explanatory analysis where you have a specific insight that you want to share. The interplay of these two tactics is where you can create a huge amount of value. For example, you could create a dashboard with your KPIs clearly defined along the top. Then have interactive visualizations of the various dimensions of your data populate the rest of the dashboard. The unfiltered dashboard is essentially explanatory analysis, but once you start to use the interactive components of your dashboard, you are now clearly in exploratory analysis…
