From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Combining data and intuition

Combining data and intuition

- [Instructor] Compromised data can lead you to the wrong conclusion, but there is one tactic that you can deploy to help you mitigate this risk, and this tactic is balancing your insights you glean from your data with your intuition. Even if you have perfect internal data, which, by the way, is extremely hard to pull off, there may be outside factors that can affect your data. For example, you may have a shift in your market, and if you're an industry veteran, you can use your intuition to see what might happen if you just lean on your data. Your data can also be compromised by specific problems. One specific thing is data collection errors. If you don't have a solid data governance plan in place, you may be collecting your data in the wrong way, that can lead you to the wrong outcome. You also might have duplication, and this kind of duplication can skew your analysis and results. And finally, miscalculations.…
