From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Building an analytics infrastructure

Building an analytics infrastructure

From the course: Data Analytics for Students

Building an analytics infrastructure

- [Instructor] Once you've started successfully tracking data from all your important data sources, then it's time to build a reporting infrastructure. Getting this in place and checking these reports regularly can help you see your progress on your current business problems, but it also gives you an opportunity to proactively address new problems as they arise. Now, this may seem like a complex topic, so let me walk you through a real world example. Three years ago, I built an analytics infrastructure for a client that I still manage to this day. Let's talk through this process that I implemented at a very high level. When I first interacted with this client, they were hiring interns to run reports on an ad hoc basis. Essentially, they would hire an intern to conduct a line review in Excel. This speaks to the mindset shift you need to have when thinking through how to build out an analytics infrastructure. Building…
