From the course: Data Analytics for Students

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Analyzing data with Excel

Analyzing data with Excel

- [Instructor] By far, the most widely-used analysis tool is Excel. It even comes standard with every Microsoft subscription. While this tool is often seen as a basic one, there are a ton of different features of Excel that are extremely valuable. First, Excel empowers you to import large amounts of data from various different data sources. This may seem like a small task, but being able to combine multiple data sources can really supercharge your analysis. There may be some trends in your organization that span multiple data sources, and there's no way you can identify these trends if you only look at one data source at a time. Second, Excel can help you format and structure your data. Historically, you would need a database administrator to handle this task, but now anyone with a small amount of Excel expertise can connect to a data source and clean it up. This data governance step is key. You can't conduct…
