From the course: DALL-E: the Creative Process and the Art of Prompting

Unlock your imagination with DALL-E

- Imagine being able to write a few words, click a button, and then be able to generate almost any image you can imagine. Sounds like science fiction, right? Well, the truth is, this technology is already here. DALL-E, a generative AI model, can produce incredible images from just a few words, and I found it game changing. Hi, I'm Chad Nelson, a creative director who's worked for over two decades on films and shows and video games. And the last year, I've been using DALL-E extensively, and it's transformed my entire creative process. Now, in this course, I'm going to teach you all the ins and outs of DALL-E and the art of prompting so you too can master this cutting-edge tech. I'm excited to share it with you, so let's get started!
