From the course: Customer Insights and Consumer Analytics for Organizations: Concepts

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I love strategy because I know that without a good one, achieving success is really just left to chance. A wing and a prayer as they say. That's why it's the first step in the process methodology. Now, having a good strategy is like an insurance policy to see your project through to a positive conclusion. Creating a good strategy is not easy; it takes time and it takes attention, but it doesn't have to be difficult to know what to include. Let's look at a strategic framework that you can use. It's made up of five core questions. Number one: how am I thinking about this? The first thing that you want to do is to establish the right frame of mind. This is often not a linear process or a series of check boxes. I'm presenting the core questions here in a sequence, but they are best addressed as a whole. So you can take them one step at a time, but the answer to any one of these questions may the influence the answer to the…
