From the course: Customer Insights and Consumer Analytics for Organizations: Concepts

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Performance improvement

Performance improvement

Data defines destiny. A catchy and true saying, at least in my humble opinion. Why? Because the right data can help more clearly understand your customer, your business and just about anything else that you can think of and to that point, data can help light the way towards a new level of success. So how do we use customer insights and consumer analytics to improve performance? There are three important points. What are we improving? What do we know? And what do we need to test or scale as the case may be? All right, let's break down each one of those. What are we improving? This goes back to our understanding of the metrics that matter the most, your TMTMTMs. They might be new customer acquisition, overall customer loyalty, advocacy, what have you. Whatever they are, their identification allows for you to share them, discuss them and really put a spotlight on that, so that's what we're improving. What do…
