From the course: Customer Insights and Consumer Analytics for Organizations: Concepts

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Let's move on to step five. Governance. Having the authority to conduct the policies, the actions, and the affairs of an organization, and honestly, it sounds a little bit archaic. Maybe that's because it sounds like command and control in an era of self-managing teams. But without governance, the customer insights discipline is at risk of floundering. So first and foremost, I define governance as the ability to integrate and manage the discipline throughout the organization in a way that delivers quantifiable results. Here are the five best practices to achieve that governance. First, you need buy-in at the top of the organization to certify the importance of a customer-first way of thinking. Leaders who are customer obsessed start with the customer and then work backward. That really flips the script for some organizations and it's change and change is hard, but change is more likely to occur if the vision is…
