From the course: Customer Insights and Consumer Analytics for Organizations: Concepts

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Data ethics

Data ethics

If you work with data, then you have to take up the challenge of adhering to principles surrounding data, and let's just put it this way, we all work with data, and given that fact, data analytics raises a number of ethical concerns, so it's prudent to establish best practices for data management, security and data ethics. Data ethics means establishing adhering to good conduct and moral principles in all aspects of data design, data procurement, data warehousing, and operationalizing data assets. So a good standard begins with following the letter of the law and a great standard enhances those systems of rules by building or adopting a code of data ethics. Here are a few ethical concerns you need to consider. Customer consent. This means you are in accord with your customer on what data they are willing to share and what policies you will use in the management of that data. So for example, if a customer is signing up…
