From the course: Customer Insights and Consumer Analytics for Organizations: Concepts

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Advocating for the consumer

Advocating for the consumer

Learning to advocate for the voice of the customer is something that you need to do for customer analytics because it helps to align the customer's role in corporate decision making. Knowledge is power, so a good place to start is in educating yourself. Get to know the impact that this way of thinking can have. Learn the statistics so you can communicate the rational aspect and get to know some great stories as well, preferably ones from your very own company that could help to shape the narrative and the emotional content as well. That's important because that way, you can communicate both a rational and an emotional point of view. This will help you communicate the what and the why and help you to back up that information with stories to make it real for others, to bring the content to life. So again, first seek to understand, before you seek to be understood. And educate yourself on the topic. Once that you've done that…
