From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Working the scene

Working the scene

- So we know our interval. We're going with three seconds. I'm just going to make sure everything's staged and ready to go. One of the things I like to do is get a super stable platform. So I'm going to take our heavy bag here and drop the tripod hook and just slip that in. That extra weight is going to act as a ballast, and it's just going to provide a little bit more downward movement to prevent any accidental vibration. Let me go ahead and check the shot, make sure it's properly composed. I'm going to set it so it's just slightly underexposed. And a very important thing, remember, shoot manual. Particularly if you're going to see changes in the lighting conditions, aperture priority can make it really hard. Sometimes aperture priority is the way to go, but it might lead to additional post-processing. All right, I've got everything set. I'm going to put the camera back into manual mode. Manual there, manual…
