From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Using the exercise files

- When you shoot a bunch of time-lapse, there's a lot of images. As such, I can't give you everything because you'd be downloading files forever. Some of the files are going to be optimized, already processed to JPEG or TIFF to make it a smaller download, but I will give you a couple of raw files when we're talking about raw development, as well, so you can play. I do ask that you keep in mind that these are my files that I'm sharing with you. You are free to use them for educational purposes only, in conjunction with the hands-on portion of this class. Please don't repost these or integrate them into any of your personal or professional projects. I do want you to get a hands-on so you can really learn how this process works, so that's why I'm sharing my images with you. So again, if your membership includes it, be sure to log in and download those files. Working with time-lapse photography involves hundreds if not thousands of images. As such, the downloads for this course are very large. I've broken them into segments so you can download just the files that you need. I do recommend that you pull down the process clips files, in addition to whichever apps you choose to work with. As you're working with these files, you may notice some slight variations in quality to the files themselves. In order to optimize the download experience, many of the files have been converted to a lower bit depth, eight bits per channel. I've also applied some additional compression to shrink the files down where possible. As such, you may see slight variations between the lessons that you watch and the project files that you work with, but these changers are only minor and typically deal with having fewer files than what I'm working with. If I were to give you all of the files that I used for this lesson, it would be nearly 80 gigabytes. Instead, we've optimized it to a file size that's about the size of downloading the final cut apps or pulling down Adobe Creative Cloud. Allow adequate time and set up a time to download this, perhaps overnight, and then start to explore the lesson files a bit later. You could, of course, watch the movies without the lesson files, but you'll get the best experience out of getting hands-on practice.
