From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Using iStopMotion for iPad

Using iStopMotion for iPad

- We have the iPad set up, so let's engage the shot. To do this, I'm going to use an app called iStopMotion from Boinx Software. It could work with the iPad on its own or they actually make an app that allows you to tether the iPhone to the iPad using the camera adapter kit, and that will allow you to actually use the higher quality camera in the iPhone. But I find for just quick pre-visualization or fun clips to share that the camera in the iPad has gotten a lot better than it used to be. Let's go ahead and switch over to that app. There we go. And I just need to create a new project. We'll go back to the gallery and I'll click the plus symbol to add another project. It opens up and I just need to make a few adjustments. Same sort of things like on the iPhone. We need to lock the exposure as well as dial in some settings for the capture. Tap the gear icon here and I could adjust the frame rate. We can change this…
