From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Using an internal intervalometer

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Using an internal intervalometer

- Once you're ready to start shooting, you need to set the interval. Now, we're going to walk you through exactly which interval to choose in just a moment. But before you could shoot with an interval, you need to realize something important. You don't want to be doing this: one, two, three, click, one, two, three, click, 'cause every time you sit there pushing the trigger on the camera, you're adding vibration and shake. Plus, trust me, after about 10 minutes of doing this, you're going to get really, really bored and you're probably just going to give up. Invest in an intervalometer. But you may not need to buy one. You might already have one inside your camera. So if your camera has some pro features, the intervalometer might be included. And this allows you to set how frequently the shot is going to be triggered. So let's take a look at these cameras and actually choose the settings to get it right. I've mapped my internal intervalometer to the quick access menu, and that's fine. You could also dig through your menus to find it. And if I just go down there, you'll see that I've got, on my menu, the interval timing shooting. So I could press that and then I could just go on over and adjust it. There we go. And as we step through, I get the ability to actually set the interval and the number of seconds. We're going to walk you through the whole process in just a moment, but, essentially, the built-in Nikon intervalometer works great. It's limited to 999 shots, but that's going to give you the type of controls you want, so you could do a pretty lengthy time-lapse. Now, many cameras don't have a built-in intervalometer, but they do have an accessory port. Both my Nikon has one if I'd like to take greater control over the intervalometer shooting. And in the case of my Olympus here, I'm going to have to attach an external intervalometer to take that control. But manufacturers do put accessory ports. Sometimes they're USB, sometimes they're a dedicated proprietary port. But in any case, just make sure you get the right intervalometer. You're probably going to have to visit an online retailer or a really large camera store. And when you do, make sure that your exact camera works with the intervalometer.
