From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Using a spare camera body

Using a spare camera body

- You notice I've already got two shots running behind me and a third one in my hand. I can get this set up and keep shooting. Why only shoot with one camera? Chances are you've got some old camera bodies lying around that you bought before or maybe you can borrow one from a friend. If you own more than one lens, bring more than one camera. This is going to get you the flexibility to try some things out. Maybe you shoot with a longer exposure on one and a different interval on the other or you go ahead and make some adjustments using two different focal lengths to get completely different shots. Right now I'm shooting someone climbing the rocks and over here we have groups hiking through the canyon. I'm getting two completely different shots and I can even set up a third and this just means more bang for my buck. If you're going to hike out there and get those shots, get what you need.
