From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Transferring data

Transferring data

- When you get back from a shoot or even in the field, you want to get the data off of the cards and backed up to multiple drives as quickly as possible. And if you're shooting hundreds if not thousands of stills, even tens of thousands, you don't want to have a long day of shooting followed by a longer night of backup. So choosing a fast connection is critical. Now, you might find it convenient that you could take a card and pop it right into the laptop. The issue with that, though, is that the built-in readers tend to not be as fast. I'm a much bigger fan of going with a dedicated card reader. And you could choose one that's specifically for your card format like SD or CF or get a combo reader. These days look for one that has a fast connection, typically USB 3.0 or Thunderbolt. You're going to want to pick the fastest connection available to you, these are going to give you the performance you want. So I'll just go ahead and…
