From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Tracking the sun's position

Tracking the sun's position

- We need to determine the overall interval. How much time are we going to try to capture here? Now, one thing we might be trying to do is record where the sun is at a particular point in time. Maybe I want to see the sun move from one side to the other. Now, in this case, the sun is already getting ready, it's gone behind the mountains, we're getting towards the end of our day. That's okay. I'm not going to worry about the sun but let me show you how I track it. I like to use an app called Sun Seeker. It's available for both iOS and Android. And one of the cool things about it is when I flip it over into 3D view, it actually uses the camera in my phone. So I could turn my body and it's going to show me where the sun is at this point in time. For example, maybe we're doing some location scouting. 'Cause, actually, I'm coming back here tomorrow to do some more shooting. So why don't we pick where the sun's going to be…
