From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Stylizing the time-lapse sequence images with Adobe Camera Raw

Stylizing the time-lapse sequence images with Adobe Camera Raw

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Stylizing the time-lapse sequence images with Adobe Camera Raw

- You've seen me fix lots of issues on several shots. Instead of doing some sequences here, I'm just going to pull five frames from some of my other time-lapse sequences and I want to show you where these shots began versus where they ended up. Let's quickly process five shots and then I'll show you the end movies so you can judge them as well. Let's select all the images, Command or Control A and then right click and open into camera raw. Now what you're seeing here are five unprocessed frames. If your frames look different, you can hold down the optional Alt key and click the Reset button. Let's start with this first frame here. I'll click the Auto button to really get it into the right ballpark, and that definitely brought things out. However, what I'd like to do is play with the color balance here. Notice as we change the white balance, we get a very different feeling emphasizing different colors. In this…
