From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Stabilizing the phone

Stabilizing the phone

- We've exchanged one set of mountains for another. I ran out of time in the desert to show you all the cool things I wanted to take a look at, so we've come out here to the Shenandoah Mountains and we're going to take a look at using the iPad and the iPhone today as a way to capture time-lapse. Now, one of the first things you need to do is figure out a way to get a stable platform. Now, you might be thinking, "My grip's pretty solid. "I don't have a coffee habit. "I get plenty of sleep." But you take that phone out and you try to hold it steady, it's not going to be steady, and after about 20 minutes of doing that, you're going to get pretty tired. So I recommend you go ahead and pick something up to actually stabilize the shot. Now for this, you can go with the simple cases, and a lot of times there's kickstand cases, and if you've got a convenient flat surface, that's going to work, but there's actually dedicated…
