From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Shooting time-lapse photography with a slider

Shooting time-lapse photography with a slider

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Shooting time-lapse photography with a slider

- Okay, we've gotten to the big hardware and the motorized slider. And I'm joined by Keith Kiska, who is an excellent time-lapse shooter. In fact, you have a podcast series all about time-lapse, right? What's it called? - Photo Trekker, it's a podcast series. Basically, it's a documentary about photography in general. But season three, we're actually showcasing, right in the first episode, a whole time-lapse piece about three minutes long. It took about a year and a half to make, so it should be pretty cool. - Yeah, I love Keith's work. We've worked together for many years. And he just rocks this. And we have got a motorized slider here. But I want to tell ya, why do you need this? 'Cause this obviously is not something that you just throw in your bag and walk out into the field, is it? - No, it's not, not at all. - [Photographer] How long is the setup time? - The setup time is usually, if everything goes…
