From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Shooting source images in RAW format

Shooting source images in RAW format

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Shooting source images in RAW format

- As you saw in the last movie there's a big visual difference between the JPEG and the RAW file, particularly in the flexibility you have for post-production. In the field though, there's also a big difference which is the file size. If you are shooting on a Canon, you may find yourself with a few different file sizes to choose from and that's a nice benefit. You're still shooting RAW, you just could shoot a smaller RAW file. You might not need all 27 megapixels for your time-lapse file when in fact you're only using maybe three or four. If you want the maximum flexibility during the post-production stage, you will shoot RAW. The ability to recover highlights and shadows to add clarity is just absolutely awesome. You could do this to the JPEG file, it's just not the same. So let's take a quick look at a couple of raw files that we shoot here and I want to show you how you can develop 'em. So I'll switch over to the…
