From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Shooting source images in JPEG format

Shooting source images in JPEG format

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Shooting source images in JPEG format

- We've set up in some harsh lighting conditions not the ideal time for shooting time-lapse but this is going to really illustrate the benefits of which file format you choose. The first choice that a lot of people choose is shooting JPEG. The benefit of JPEG is you could fit a lot more files on the card. For example, I put a 32 gig card in here and even using a maximum quality JPEG I can get 4,000 frames on that card, if I shot RAW much less. So if you're pinched for card space or you don't have the ability to do backup in the field and you need to keep those cards as empty as possible so you could shoot for as long as possible. You're probably going to shoot JPEG so when you're shooting JPEG you don't really get the benefits of all the highlights recovery. You can make a JPEG file look good but there are some trade-offs. Let's fire off a couple of JPEGs and show you what I mean. I'm going to go into my quality…
