From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Renaming and renumbering image sequences

Renaming and renumbering image sequences

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Renaming and renumbering image sequences

- If a file name is repeated on your hard drive, it's very easy to have media management issues, particularly if your video editing tool or compositing tool has to go searching and reconnect assets. Additionally, those gaps in numbering caused by deleting a frame could lead to a break in the time code movie, sometimes causing two different movies to be created or for color bars or black frames to be flashed. This is pretty easy to fix. To start, just click on the bottom of the stack there, and you see that everything is now highlighted. We have all 75 items selected. I see 75 here in the preview panel and 75 at the top of the stack. Now, there's a great tool under "Tools," "Batch Rename." This allows us to put a more detailed name in place. You could choose to rename copies of the file, but generally speaking, I don't want to waste that much disc space, so I'm going to rename in the same folder. Give this a descriptive…
