From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Refining the duration and frame rate of a time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

Refining the duration and frame rate of a time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Refining the duration and frame rate of a time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

- Once you've imported all the media, you're going to need to assign a frame rate. Now, the thing is, you don't actually have a movie clip here. What you have is a bunch of stills but you're going to add all those stills into your sequence and then using that, you can basically decide how you want to re-time them. What essentially happens here is you drop them all into the project or sequence and set a new duration. So what I'll do is select all of those clips and drag them into the timeline. You'll notice that it assigns a duration to each. In this case, each frame is currently up for 10 seconds. That's probably the slowest moving time-lapse in the world that you could possibly want. So what we need to do is actually adjust the duration. Select all your frames by pressing Command A, then press Control D for duration, or go to the Modify menu, and choose to change duration. Now what I'm going to do is enter in…
