From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Refining the duration and frame rate of a time-lapse sequence with Adobe After Effects

Refining the duration and frame rate of a time-lapse sequence with Adobe After Effects

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Refining the duration and frame rate of a time-lapse sequence with Adobe After Effects

- Once you've imported an image sequence, you need to make a couple of decisions about frame rate. One is the frame rate you're going to deliver. Is it a 24 P video file, or 5994 for HD broadcast? And you also need to decide what is the frame rate that you want to interpret the imported frames as. Both of these are easy to control. For example, what do we want this to be playing back as? Currently it's 30 frames per second. If I choose file, interpret footage, main, I can access these settings. For example, I could assign a new frame rate to this clip. What I'm going to do here is actually slow it down a little bit and take it to 12 frames per second. Notice you can also decide if you want to assign starting time code or make any other changes. This is where you can also assign particular color management profiles or other settings as needed. When you click okay, the clip will update with the new frame rate. And you see…
