From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Frame size for the acquisition of time-lapse video

Frame size for the acquisition of time-lapse video

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Frame size for the acquisition of time-lapse video

- Once you know your delivery size, it's time to think about acquisition. What are you going to be shooting in the camera? The choices that you have in your camera are going to vary depending upon manufacturer, and the bigger choice is if you're shooting RAW versus JPEG. But remember, most cameras offer different sizes of recording. For example, on a Canon camera, you could choose from different sized RAW on a lot of them. Nikon doesn't tend to do that as much. Are you going to be shooting RAW and JPEG? I tend to shoot the largest frame possible because I find that memory cards are pretty cheap. You can always go into your camera and adjust the quality setting. So notice there as I step through RAW versus Basic, Pure RAW, or the different sizes, normal or fine quality. And in fact, using the other dial, I could choose from small, medium, or large. Now, generally speaking, that small, medium, and large is only available…
