From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Frame size for delivery of time-lapse video

Frame size for delivery of time-lapse video

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Frame size for delivery of time-lapse video

- As we get ready to start shooting time-lapse, we have to take a moment to just get a bit technical, and I'll apologize up front. Like many of you, math was not my favorite subject in school, but when it comes to making time-lapse, there's just a couple of concepts you have to master. So, I strongly encourage you to hang in through all of these technical movies so you could really understand what it takes to pull off time-lapse. The first thing you have to understand is the delivery frame size. And this really just cuts down to what are you going to be making. Are you making standard HD video, 1080p? Well, that tends to be 1920 by 1080. Or are you doing 720p at 1280 by 720? The cool thing is that you're not limited just to standard, or high-def video sizes. You can easily deliver digital cinema. A lot of you have heard about some of the high-end video cameras that do 4K and 5K. Well, those are really not that big.…
