From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Frame blending a time-lapse sequence with Adobe After Effect

Frame blending a time-lapse sequence with Adobe After Effect

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Frame blending a time-lapse sequence with Adobe After Effect

- [Instructor] Now that I've adjusted the speed of the clip, I need to tell After Effects how to get there. You see, you have the option to repeat frames, blend frames or essentially morph between them. Let's take a closer look. Currently, it's repeating a lot of frames. As we step through here, you'll see that each frame is holding for four frames. This creates a bit of a stuttery-type of motion. However, if we go to the switches, and modes here, we can look at things. First up, up top, I need to enable frame blending globally by clicking this switch. Then what we can decide is the method of frame blending. Currently with no frame blending enabled, we end up with just repeated frames. If I click here, the default is going to create a nice blend. Let's step in here, and look more carefully at the edge of a cloud. As we step through frame-by-frame, you'll see that there is change between each frame, but it's…
