From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Exporting the time-lapse sequence from Apple Final Cut Pro X

Exporting the time-lapse sequence from Apple Final Cut Pro X

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Exporting the time-lapse sequence from Apple Final Cut Pro X

- Final Cut Pro 10 has several built-in options for exporting media. This will smooth out the process of sending it to a specific target. Let's go ahead and name our project TL Shot 1. And what I want to do is select the project here itself so it's active. This is the timeline. Now I can use File, Send to Compressor, New Batch. Once compressor launches, locate your project and click Add. Now you'll find all sorts of settings from creating optical media, which is fairly uncommon, to sizing things for particular websites such as video sharing services or for playback on a computer. I'm going to choose to create a high definition video clip for sharing on the web. And I'll click OK. The preset is now added and Final Cut will attempt to render what it's going to look like. If you press Play, you can get a preview of the effects of the compression. On the right, feel free to take a look through what you're creating:…
