From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Compensating for lens distortion of a time-lapse sequence

Compensating for lens distortion of a time-lapse sequence

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Compensating for lens distortion of a time-lapse sequence

- When you shoot with a camera you're going to have lens distortion. And every time you change that lens on the camera it's going to distort differently. That's because lenses are not human eyes. and what'll happen is that you'll see bending or pincushioning. You also might see unwanted vignetting at the edges or chromatic aberration. The combination of lens and camera could be a really complex relationship. But fortunately, Adobe actually tracks these and provides automated tools to fix some of the most common problems. - [Instructor] Let's go back to this image here, 11A, and I'll open that up into camera raw. If you look closely you'll see a couple of things that we can fix. Now, we already took care of most of the spots, but let's go back to that tool for a moment and check the visualize spot option and look closely. It's looking pretty good. I'll go a little bit smaller brush. And I'm just going to brush out…
