From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Choosing a frame rate for time-lapse photography

Choosing a frame rate for time-lapse photography

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Choosing a frame rate for time-lapse photography

- So we're getting ready to start shooting the timelapse and the first thing we have to think about is what is our delivery frame rate. Now, I'm going to go for 24 frames per second, and that's a very cinematic frame rate, but you might need to deliver at other requirements depending upon who you're working with. Working with a European broadcaster? They might ask for 25. Needing to deliver to standard broadcast? Maybe it's 29.97, and some HD stations even deliver at 60 P, so you need to figure out what is the right rate? For purposes of today's exercise, I'm going to be shooting for a target of 24 frames per second, which is actually 23.976, but for purposes of my calculator, we're not going to get so complex. We'll just work with the whole number of 24.
