From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Adjusting the time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

Adjusting the time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Adjusting the time-lapse sequence with Apple Final Cut Pro X

- Now that the clips are added we'll go ahead and group them together into a compound clip so they're easier to work with. With everything selected in the timeline I can now right click on this and create a new compound clip. The shortcut is option G as in group. Feel free to give the clip a name. I'll call this TL_Shot1 and click okay. You see a new clip is created in the timeline that looks just like a piece of footage. Now that it's nested we can do quite a bit here with the clip itself you can use effects to adjust the scale over time or take advantage of tasks like color correction. Let's explore that next.
