From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Adjusting the time-lapse sequence with Adobe Premiere Pro

Adjusting the time-lapse sequence with Adobe Premiere Pro

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Adjusting the time-lapse sequence with Adobe Premiere Pro

- Premier Pro has similar controls to After Effects when it comes to resizing or key framing clips. There's a lot of adjustments you can make right within the Premier Pro timeline. Let's start with the size. Let's start with the clip selected, and choose Effect Controls. Now, I could adjust the overall scale. Notice how easy it is to refine that. You might want to set this to a smaller scale here so it's easier to see where the clip fits. In this case, I can really judge if it's properly sized. What I want to do is add a key frame here at the end for scale and anchor point. Then I'll come nearer to the beginning, and I'm going to scale up a little bit and use the anchor point controls to slide the shot a little bit over and start a little bit higher. Now we'll get an effect of pulling back, revealing the rest of the scene. I like it. It works quite well. However, we can make this a little smoother. If I select my key…
