From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

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Adjusting the time-lapse sequence in Adobe After Effects

Adjusting the time-lapse sequence in Adobe After Effects

From the course: Creating Time-Lapse Video

Adjusting the time-lapse sequence in Adobe After Effects

- [Instructor] To start, let's check our composition settings. I see that we've got 1920 by 1080, and the desired frame rate, which is great, but we might want to make a few other changes overall. First up, I'll press S for scale, and adjust the shot so it fits overall, and command minus to zoom out. Later, we'll add some key frames and movement to this, but I really like being able to see the whole frame as I adjust color. Next, let's add an adjustment layer. Layer, new adjustment layer. This gives us the ability to add filters on top. Now, for example, I could take advantage from the color correction, and add the Lumetri color effect. This is extremely similar to what you have in Premiere Pro. Now, we can do some basic changes. For example, we can apply an input LUT for a specific camera. Or I can make some additional changes here. For example, bringing down a little bit more highlight recovery to rescue…
