From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ

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Diversity and equity in leadership

Diversity and equity in leadership

From the course: Creating Equity for LGBTQ

Diversity and equity in leadership

- Representation at the top matters. When LGBTQ professionals hold leadership positions in the workplace, it sets a powerful example of inclusivity and diversity for the entire team. This establishes a positive precedent for equitability at work. It also encourages productivity by demonstrating that everyone, regardless of identity, can strive for and achieve career advancement within the company on equal footing. This is exactly what it means to be an equal opportunity employer. Having LGBTQ leaders isn't just about ticking boxes. It's about embracing diverse voices that bring fresh ideas and solutions to the table. When we empower LGBTQ individuals to lead, we're tapping into a wealth of cultural perspective that allows us to communicate and collaborate more effectively with a wider range of clients and colleagues. Unfortunately, despite the numerous incentives and benefits associated with LGBTQ leadership in the workplace, its prevalence remains disproportionately low…
