From the course: Creating a Program Strategy

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What is a target operating model (TOM)?

What is a target operating model (TOM)?

From the course: Creating a Program Strategy

What is a target operating model (TOM)?

- A Target Operating Model, or TOM, is essentially a strategic business model analysis that consists of several important pieces of information: The current state of the organization. The future state. And analysis of the gap in the middle. Let's use an analogy to understand this a little better. Imagine we're planning a road trip to an exciting destination. Where we are now, at home, is our current state. Our destination is the future state. In between this is the gap. So what we want to work out is what's between point A, our current state, and point B, our destination. There's many possibilities. If we take one route, we could visit a historic site. If we take a different route, we can visit a theme park along the way. The third option is to take a slower route and visit both the historic site and the theme park. I really like history, and I really like theme parks. But that will cost as we'll need to stay in hotels en route. So, our analysis shows that there are variety of ways to…
