From the course: CompTIA Security (SY0-701) Cert Prep: 2 Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Mitigations

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Architectural vulnerabilities

Architectural vulnerabilities

- [Instructor] Architectural vulnerabilities arise when a complex system is improperly designed. These may create fundamental flaws in a system that are very difficult to remediate. IT architecture is a set of well-defined practices and processes used to build complex technical systems. IT architects function in a role similar to that of a traditional architect. Instead of putting together complex buildings, IT architects are putting together different technologies in a way that meets business requirements. Security is one of the most important of those requirements. The key to avoiding security weaknesses in architecture and systems designs is to incorporate security requirements early, making them design criteria rather than after the fact concerns. One recipe for disaster is designing the system first and then trying to bolt on security after the fact. When you're considering the security of a system, don't just look at…
