From the course: CompTIA Security (SY0-601) Cert Prep: 8 Network Security Design and Implementation

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Wireless attacks

Wireless attacks

- [Instructor] Earlier in this course, I discussed the options for wifi encryption and how the use of wired equivalent privacy or WEP is insecure. Let's dig into that a little further and discuss how an attacker might take advantage of a WEP network. When you set up a new WEP connection, the computer and access point exchange an initialization vector or IV that helps get the connection established. This IV is sent without encryption because it's used to create the encrypted channel. If an attacker captures enough different initialization vectors, they can reconstruct the encryption key. Fortunately, you don't need to know the mathematical details on how this attack works because they are somewhat complicated, but it is important that you know that WEP attacks rely upon capturing initialization vectors as you prepare for the exam. WPA like WEP relies upon the RC4 encryption algorithm. If you recall, the problem…
