From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Using Kali Linux

Using Kali Linux

- Let's take a brief moment to survey Kali Linux. We've used it multiple times. It's a great starting penetration testing toolbox. You likely will need to add some tools, and you probably won't use all the tools in it, but since we jump into Kali so often, let's take a little bit deeper look at how we navigate around the user interface. There's a couple of tips and tricks that make it just a little bit easier. Let's start with the desktop. From the desktop, we have the Applications menu in the upper left-hand corner. If we drop it, we see a nicely organized list of favorites, and they're broken out by different categories, or use cases: Information Gathering, and we see a list of tools on the right; Vulnerability Analysis, and so on and so forth. But there's really more information under each menu item. Let's take a look at Database, or actually, Password Attacks. Notice there's a little white arrow to the right. If I click on the arrow, or, actually, just click on the text, it…
