From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Miscellaneous local host vulnerabilities

Miscellaneous local host vulnerabilities

From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

Miscellaneous local host vulnerabilities

- It seems like we just keep going further and further and further through this long list of ways that you can actually attack any type of computing device. And that's really the case. There's lots of opportunities out there. Part of the PenTest exam is all about trying to get a very good survey of all the different areas. The list is not exhaustive. We're not hitting everything, but we're hitting a lot of the really good areas that are likely to yield vulnerabilities for you when you conduct PenTests. What about default account settings? We haven't even really talked about what's left over. Anytime an installation leaves artifacts from that installation that are really not in use, those could be a gold mine for a PenTester. A default account basically means an account that came out of the box from an operating system, from application software, maybe a database environment. But its default accounts that are defined as part of the installation process. Well, those are well known…
