From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Labtainers lab: Wireshark

Labtainers lab: Wireshark

- So you've seen how Wireshark works, now it's your turn to try it yourself. So we're going to have you go through the Wireshark lab in Labtainers. So the first thing you want to do is you want to launch your Labtainers environment. Remember, all you have to do is go into Oracle Virtual Box VM manager, click on the Labtainer virtual machine, and either double click it or click on the green start button, and it will launch your Labtainer virtual machine and you'll end up starting something like this screen. Now briefly to give you an overview of what you're looking at, you're looking at a virtual machine running Ubuntu. Ubuntu is a Linux distribution. So you're running Linux underneath your basic operating system. But in addition to that, Docker is installed. Now instead of going into a lot of technical details, Docker basically allows you to launch multiple containers. A container is kind of like a lightweight virtual machine that shares some of the common processing and memory space…
