From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Labtainers lab: Metasploit framework

Labtainers lab: Metasploit framework

From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

Labtainers lab: Metasploit framework

- All right, for this lab, we're going to execute the Metasploit Framework. Now, you'll have to download and install it, but don't worry, it's totally automatic. Labtainer handles all the stuff that you'll need to do to get Metasploit ready to run. So let's jump into the Labtainer environment. All right, so to get started with this lab, we'll type labtainer metasploit. We know we need to download and install Metasploit. So Labtainer is being nice to us and saying, "Are you sure you want to download? "It's going to be kind of big." Well, yes we do. I'm going to type Y and press enter to say yes, please, download and install so I can run my lab. So you can see that Metasploit, as it installs, is asking for another response and so you just basically want to say yes or press Y, type Y and enter to continue. And once Metasploit downloads and installs, simply enter your email address, press return to get into the lab. All right, so now let's take a look at the lab manual and this lays out…
