From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Ethical mindset

Ethical mindset

- You've heard it said that the main difference between an attacker and a penetration tester is permission. While that's very true, it's not the complete truth. In reality, there's another huge difference between the two mindsets, and that is that of ethics. The ethical hacker, or penetration tester, is called the ethical hacker because of ethics. Whenever you assemble a penetration testing team, you need to make sure that you start with a trusted team. Team members that carry out penetration tests are entrusted with substantial authority. They're doing a lot of things that most users and most external people could not do. Remember, you're playing the part of an attacker. It's important to start off with background checks of your pentesting team. If you do that, you know you're at least starting from a level playing field and you're not adding a malicious attacker to the pentest team and then giving them authority to do some bad things. You want to carry out the penetration testing…
