From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Data structures, part 2

Data structures, part 2

- Anytime you deal with large amounts of data, it helps you if you use structured and formal data structures. Now, we've already talked about some, but let's talk about a couple more. But before we talk too much about internal data structures, and a data structure is just a way of organizing data so that you can easily find it, handle it, and change it as needed. But you're often going to be storing data on disc, you're going to be copying out, writing it out to disc and also later on reading it back in. So the data format is very important to understand. One of the most common formats that's easy to use and is easily transportable among any different types of programs is the CSV, which stands for comma-separated values. A CSV file is basically a file that has one row for every line of data or one line of data for every row. Think of it like in a table. And then every column or every field in that row is separated from the next one with a comma. And the CSV works very, very well…
