From the course: CompTIA PenTest (PT0-002) Cert Prep

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Common attack techniques

Common attack techniques

- Well, we've already come quite a long way. You've learned a lot about the introduction and the intro steps to penetration testing. We've just talked about how to find out the right vulnerabilities and exploits so that we can actually attack vulnerabilities that we found on the various systems. So, what are some of the techniques that are most common in this process? For one example, you might find an exploit, and maybe you'll find code out there that has a binary image in one operating system, but not the other operating system. For example, let's see, let's assume that you found a Windows exploit that you want to be able to run in Linux. It's very possible to cross-compile. In fact, there are several modules out there that allow us to cross-compile code which was intended, or the code was written for one operating system, but we want to cross-compile, or compile it for a different target environment. In fact, let's take a look at a common example. There's several libraries out…
