From the course: CompTIA Linux (XK0-005) Cert Prep

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Understand the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy

Understand the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy - Linux Tutorial

From the course: CompTIA Linux (XK0-005) Cert Prep

Understand the Linux Filesystem Hierarchy

- [Instructor] The Linux file system is extensive and has many, many directories. Historically, Linux distributions placed files wherever they wanted, making it difficult to go from one distribution to another. However, there's now a file system hierarchy standard that most Linux distributions try to adhere to. We'll start with a top-level directory. The slash directory is a special one because every file and folder in the entire operating system is nested under this one directory. Some have related this to the C Drive in Windows, but really, it's more than that. It's as if all of the drives in a computer were stored in one folder. It's common to call this "the root directory", because it's at the root of the file system, I will call it "slash", or the top level directory, to limit confusion with one of the other similarly named directories, which we'll cover in a moment. Let's start with a /bin directory, which stores…
