From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Troubleshoot security issues, scenario 2

Troubleshoot security issues, scenario 2

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Troubleshoot security issues, scenario 2

- That's right. We're continuing on taking a look at more of security issues in the cloud and troubleshooting them. Join me next. - [Narrator] You are watching IT Pro TV. (upbeat music) - Welcome back as we continue on and taking a look of course at different issues that we are going to end up facing. So just because we've already reviewed those different methods that we've talked about, it's always great to get some practice in. And Wes, I thought another scenario would be helpful. - Okay, we can do it. Sure. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Let's do it. - Yeah so let's go ahead and jump right in as we get started here. And let's take a look at another possible scenario from our exam objectives. You work as a member of the cloud security team for your company. A work order has been placed to create a new VM that is accessible for remote management and must follow the company's security policy. You review the work before putting the VM into production. You notice that there's a public IP…
