From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Troubleshoot connectivity issues, scenario 2

Troubleshoot connectivity issues, scenario 2

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Troubleshoot connectivity issues, scenario 2

- That's right. We are sticking with connectivity issues and troubleshooting them in the cloud. Join Wes and I as we actually begin to show you how. - [Announcer] You're watching "ITProTV." (upbeat music) - That's right. More connectivity issues in the cloud. Who would've guessed? Well, this guy right here, and I came out with a wicked scenario for Wes to be able to troubleshoot. All right Wes, as we continue to get started here and start taking a look at this, this is kind of one of the more interesting things that we're doing, right? We're putting you into a scenario and you actually have kind of scenario up and ready for you to begin to troubleshoot. So Wes, what do you think? Ready to jump in? - I don't have my parachute, but who needs a parachute, let's go ahead. - All right, let's go ahead and do this. So I've come up with something a little bit tricky here. Let's go ahead and get it on the screen and we'll actually see here. Another cloud technician is noticing an unusual…
