From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

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Security requirements in the cloud demo

Security requirements in the cloud demo

From the course: CompTIA Cloud (CV0-003) Cert Prep

Security requirements in the cloud demo

- It's time for us to take another look at some of the different security tools that help us to meet these requirements. So let's do that next. (upbeat music) - [Announcer] You're watching IT Pro TV. That's right. There were a ton of tools that we actually hit on in a previous episode and right now is a time for us to go ahead and probably introduce you if you haven't seen them before. Just a few of the tools that we actually want to at least make sure you're aware of as well. So I'm going to begin this demonstration too. And then Wes also has a surprise for us as we actually get started as well. So let's talk about this idea here Wes, just briefly, I had mentioned a risk register. Okay? Now most of us, if we're just beginning, let's say our IT career, and even if we're jumping into cloud, we may not think about the idea of risk management at all. And we may not ever be concerned about it, but there is this point where we might be asked to participate in helping to develop the risk…
